Mediterranean Yachts

We are delighted to provide you with some of the finest luxury yachts available for charter. The below is only a small sample of available yachts. If you don’t see what you are looking for please contact us. We have access to over 3,000 luxury yachts and our brokers will be delighted to help you find a yacht of your dreams!


CaptainMustafa Gören Turkey 1967
First MateAlp Gören Turkey 1996
Number of Crew: 8Languages:

Crew Profiles:

Mustafa Gören Captain

I was born in Gemlik in 1967. As the first child of a sailor family, I grew up with the sea at every moment of my
life. I started my professional career in 1983. Apart from being a yacht captain, I worked as a Zodiac boat
technical service, yacht manufacturing and yacht management. During the years when the Turkish yacht
industry started to develop, I hosted world-famous names such as Sir Frederic Bennett, Stefano Casiraghi and
Princess Caroline in Turkey. I was the private yacht captain of Turkey's big company owners. With the
accumulation of all these experiences, I have been serving in the yacht rental sector with various boats within
my company since 2011. I am the captain of Crocus, one of these yachts. I will be happy to host our guests at
Crocus with my 41 years of experience.

Alp Gören First Mate

I was born in Istanbul in 1996. I grew up interested in rock music and started making music professionally. As
the 4th generation of a maritime family, I decided to continue my life in maritime. After graduating from
maritime high school, I studied Maritime Transportation and Management Engineering at the university and
graduated from this department. After completing my internship, I started working as a seaman on a private
yacht in 2018. I switched to the yacht rental industry in 2020. I have been working as First Mate at Crocus under
the management of my father since March 2023.

Beyaz Dayoğlu Chef

I was born in Ankara in 1986. I have been interested in cooking since my childhood. After working as a real
estate consultant, accountant and marketing specialist, I ran my own restaurant. Meanwhile, I remembered how
happy I was while cooking. I received training from the world-famous Turkish chef Mehmet Yalçınkaya.
Afterwards, I started working as a yacht chef. I will be happy to cook for our guests at Crocus.

Jocelyn de leon Santiago Stewardess

I was born in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, in 1991. I started working in the maritime industry in 2012. I
left my country during these years. After working in countries such as Dubai, Qatar and Crotia, I started working
in Turkey in 2018. I can speak English well. As of the 2024 summer season, I am working to provide the best
service to all our guests at Crocus.

Kenan İnci Engineer

I was born in Karabük in 1995. I graduated from high school. I learned mechanical and technical work through
apprenticeships in various professions. In 2017, I became interested in ship machinery and generators and got a
seaman's license. I worked as an oiler on cargo ships for two years. I started working at Crocus in 2019. I have
been handling all technical work at Crocus for 5 years. I will be happy to host our guests on our yacht.

Tuğçe Aksoy Stewardess

I was born in Muğla in 2002. I completed my education in Muğla. I can speak English well. Influenced by growing
up in a coastal city, I decided to continue my life at sea. After this decision, I received a seaman's license in
2021. Since this date, I have been working as a stewardess in the yacht charter industry. I will be happy to host
all our guests at Crocus in the 2024 summer season.

Berke Ataç Seaman

I was born in Tekirdağ in 2001. I completed my university education in the Department of Maritime
Transportation and Management Engineering. After finishing my internship, I started working at Crocus. I can
speak english. I see Crocus as a great opportunity to improve myself professionally. I will be happy to host our
guests at Crocus in the 2024 summer season.

Türker Mert Ardıç Seaman

I was born in Istanbul in 1995. I completed my university education in the Computer Engineering department. I
can speak fluent English, intermediate German and Spanish. I lived in Dominica for 2 years before the pandemic
period. During the pandemic period, I got a seafarer's license and worked as a sailor on cargo ships until 2022. I
started working in the yacht charter industry in 2023. This year, I started working at Crocus to serve our guests.

Tropicalboat Charters, Inc